I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

As if my life really needed the excitement...

Why did I do it? I haven't quite analyzed my psyche long enough to actually divine the answer. I bought two Emu chicks. Is it a leftover of some childhood sadness over not getting a Easter chick? No...I don't think so...because Emu's are like Chickens on steroids in Texas. That can't be the reason. I believe I would classify it as more of one of those oddities that approach us in life. I chose to embrace the idea. No I am the proud surrogate parent of two Emu chicks. They are very cute...and they already can out run me in only 3 weeks. I named them Aussie and Sydney. Real original...My concern is not over them now...but what I am I going to do when they are 6 feet tall...and literally almost bullet proof. I have enough room...I know how to take care of them...but if I move...what will I do...I don't believe they allow Emu's as apartment pets. What a web we spin for ourselves? Most people when they fill the need for a little difference in their life...get their hair cut...dyed or go on vacation...I bought an two Emu chick...what does that say about me?

Don't answer that!
Goodnight Cyberspace...May life leave you well, happy and with out too much trouble.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ever Wonder Why...

Ever wonder why you can never get something back into the package it came out of ? I can never get all of Christmas lights back in the box. No matter how hard I try. Well, guess what it's science, well...physics that is(sort of). If you carefully stack equal-sized marbles in a box, they will fill about 74% of its volume. Yet, if you dump them willy nilly into the box, they won't fill up more than about 64%. Honestly, no joke, no matter how much you shake the box or pound on it. Researchers have studied and measured this "random close packing" limit. No one for years could explain the phenomenon. Recently, a Russian team of researchers reports in the June Physical Review Letters that the "random close packing" limit is met each time all the marbles form tiny pyramid shapes. These pyramid shapes take up more space than the stacking does. The Russian study, many scientist postulate is a good starting point for describing the random, close-packed state mathematically, and may even help to explain why disordered solids called glasses freeze in a liquid-like state instead of forming a crystal. Modern researchers are not the first to explore this reasoning in 1611, Johannes Kepler estimated that crystalline objects couldn't be packed more densely than 74%. It took the next hundred years or so for scientists to discover and understand why. (http://focus.aps.org/story/v19/st18)