I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Is there a difference?

Is being lonely and alone the same thing? Have you ever really been alone....in the depths of solitude and heard the sound of the air seeping in and out of your lungs? The sound of the hair brushing your cheek? Or maybe your stuck in the brush of cellphones, TVs and car alarms.

Yet, one can be so lonely in the middle of a crowd. You can be talking and the life of a party and yet, in your heart, you fill as though the room is empty and your sitting in the center. I've battled bouts of loneliness my entire life. Not depression really, but I feel as though at times I am trapped between two worlds and belong in neither one. My family and friends have a hard time really grasping the significance of such an oddity. They say "your not alone," but they really don't understand the distinction between the terms.

Being alone is fine, actually at times I believe the human person craves aloneness to clear the mind and reinvigorate the soul....Loneliness on the other hand is toxic....it leads one down roads of darkness. Loneliness leads to bitterness, pain and sorrow...How do you cultivate aloneness and do away with loneliness...I'm in process...but here are my thoughts:

You learn about yourself....Therefore...I guess you could call my life a soul journey...My University education, my jobs, the books I read, the religions I investigate...my own personal relation with God...all a soul journey to discover the root of loneliness so that I can embrace aloneness.....serving others...I learn to better appreciate the self I was dealt....I walk the line...the line between alone and lonely...I may walk alone....but beside each and everyone of you out there...I am not lonely although there are times when this illusion rises to the surface...walk through the dark...you are the light...I walk through the darkness and embrace the light....for me...loneliness has become a muse for discovering my negatives and positives...although I travel through the valley of the shadows I shall fear no evil...for before me stands my soul...and it is....

Loneliness may actually be a blessing in disguise that has taught me more than any other teacher...but it took aloneness to learn that loneliness isn't as terrible as it seems.

Goodnight Cyberspace....Be good to your fellow human...remember he or she must wear the same skin...metaphorically speaking of course?


DragonRaid said...

feeling alone in the middle of a crowd, yeah i've been there before, not fitting in but reluctant to leave. in the midst of awkwardness and lonliness, wishing there was someone you could just talk to. i don't really like being alone, my mind wanders off to places i'd rather not visit, but circumstances are circumstancial, and sometimes you can't help but be alone in a sea of people.

Tony Stark said...

BRAVO!....soo deep with it. I can dig it though. I can definitely relate here, I've been the life of the party yet felt so alone. Now you know at least in your loneliness that you are not alone. I try to always take "me time" to build with myself on the foundations I've created to continue my growth......sometimes though, you don't want to be alone. You hit it on the head when you said it's a line you walk. This may very well be one of my favorite posts by you. I'll prob. come back to this post from time to time for inspiration. Keep this up, it's a great form of therapy "Lone Ranger".

Maxine Perella said...

yes, the two things are entirely different. i love to be alone, always been leaning towards the solitary, but rarely do i feel lonely - if anything, i feel more lonely in the company of others than with myself. i suppose that is the irony.

Shemley said...

Yeah there is nothing like being with people you have nothing in common with but also when they do not want to know nothing about you. That's feeling alone...