I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

From Kat...A little about myself

Here is a survey...I copied and pasted from My dear friend Poetikat's blog...

1. Name? (First name or nickname is good)
2. Age? (approximate is okay)
3. Favorite book? Poem? Song?
4. Top band in your iPod? (or if you're like me, on your cd player)
5. Favorite blog? (besides mine, of course)
6. Starbucks/Tim Hortons (for Canadians) Drink?
7. Anything Random?

Heres me:
1. Courtney...Court for short...
2. 21...um...almost 22 in a few years
3. Some many...but only one... "I Thou"
4. I have an I Pod...so I guess...that would be...I don't know...I don't really only collect one...but A-ha is a favorite
5. Stark Files
6. Venti Cafe Americano
7. I love to color in colorbooks!

Goodnight Cyberspace!


Tony Stark said...

.....I'm honored! :)

Kat Mortensen said...

Like your new colour-scheme! Glad you enjoyed the little meme. So, you'll only be 22! My God, I feel old. I'll be 47 on Wednesday.


The Mighty Beluga said...

i too love coloring books, although i attempt to switch it up a bit by mixing up the color scheme (i.e. blue grass, purple sun, green clouds)...it tends to confuse the stuffy grown-ups.

Tony Stark said...

..........where have you gone?