I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Something New...Something Old...Secondhand

I was walking past the window of a Salvation army thrift store a few days ago and paused in front of the display window. On display were 6 gorgeous wedding gowns, covered in sequins, ribbons and silks. It was impossible not to look and wonder what stories and memories were held in the the depths and folds of that fabric. Possibly a whiff of rose petals, a hint of perfume, images of love, devotion and new life. The thought hit me...is wearing a secondhand wedding gown stigmatized? I hope to someday wear my Mothers wedding gown as my own. My Grandmother made it...she even made the lace herself...
If I ever get married...which right now...I am unsure of...since I have not been in a truly serious relationship as of yet...Would that though be the same as wearing the wedding dress of stranger? In a world such as ours where we are taught to buy new, buy expensive and buy much...could a woman buy a secondhand wedding dress with her head held high?

I would say yes, I believe in making your own destiny even that of your clothing be it Kmart or Kevin Klein...or Goodwill...Wedding dresses are very expensive...and if you could find one of the right size, style and age...why not? Life is too short to quibble over wedding dresses...Although I have been told its the only dress it will take you weeks maybe even months to pick out...that you only wear once...is it then a waste, a memory or an heirloom?

My uncle works as a Goodwill donation man, he takes in all the donations people bring to the Goodwill drop of centers and boxes them up to be taken to the stores...He told me that one afternoon an older gentleman brought in a newly purchased wedding dress with tags and box still intact. My uncle being too nosey for his own good questioned the man...as the story goes, his daughter found a better one...Can you imagine...purchasing two wedding gowns...what waste...I endorse Secondhand wedding gowns...Hey...you could call your wedding a green wedding...

Goodnight cyberspace...stay kind, happy and healthy...


Tony Stark said...

I never did understand spending soo much money on a dress you wear once.....it's like prom dresses too. Too many people are stuck on traditional norms maybe....Us guys can rent tuxes, stores should have rent-a-dress or something for ladies. It'll probably not be likely since thats not "magical" enough. (See how they get you girls googgle eyed about weddings at a young age) hahaha!

Maxine Perella said...

my cousin went and bought a second-hand wedding dress from a market stall once, it had red wine spilt down the front and everything! don't think she ever wore it though.

The Mighty Beluga said...

tony stark, i could not agree more. i feel like there is also something kind of magical about wearing a second-hand dress too; it's mysterious.