I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Song A Day Keeps The Dull Away

For all those Starbuckians out there...have you heard of the new Starbucks partnership with itunes. Each day Starbucks gives its customers a free itunes song download. To me there is no better way to relax than sitting with a cup of coffee listening to wonderful music. Music not only heightens but intensifies the warm sensation coffee gives me. Music opens the mind to numerous avenues of exploration while coffee delights the senses. For me this is a refuge from stress, the rat race, life and work. In a world where we are expected to build an island for the self to reside in which were a totally individualistic and with out connection building material and success, the refuges of connection, exploration and relaxation are not only a comfort but necessary. The human existence is one of communion spiritual, emotional and sensual. To deny the existence of anything except the present is to deny humanity. After weeks of stress, fast pace and disturbance I crave refuge through word, connection and love. Although coffee and music only give comfort and exploration, they relax the body so that the mind can be released from the prison of life. Freeing the mind to search out refuge and procure friendship and connection. We are all interrelated whether we wish to be or not. Celebrate interrelation through engagement, responsiveness and openness....find refuge and pursue life with new meaning.

Be not a loner all the time for sometimes the spirit craves to be human---Anonymous.

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