I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sleep is Overated

Last night, for once I felt tired. Can you imagine? Usually I am up for hours till 2 or 3 am...fighting the battle of inconsistent insominia. Yet, last night I thought ...lets try to go to sleep early. Explore the unknown realm of sleep. Allow the Sandman an easy trick this time. It was a terrible experience I woke up every hour on the hour. Exhausting...finally I turned the light on and opened Popular Science. I think the Sandman slipped a little bit of nightterror into to that dust. There is something traumatic about moving from sleeping to waking over and over all night long. Anxiety, frustration, sour stomach...accompany the experience. Its one long game of cloak and dagger where I am running from something I can't see. Have you ever been there?
I've made the decision, never to again. Tonight I am staying awake til at least 2, then I should sleep like a dream. I find it curious to think that this system should work. During this night; of on and off consciousness I didn't dream. I never fell into REM sleep to dream. Dreaming seems to be an important part of my ability to rest. Freud asserts dreams are wish-fulfillments, of those wishes that are the result of repressed or frustrated sexual desires. THANK GOD, such assertions are no longer accepted as true. Others like my dear Mother insist it isn't the dreams we should worry about, but the absence of dreams.We have all had a few wierd dreams. I had a dream about a chess board that recurred throughout my youth. After mastering a mediorce ability to play chess, I never experience this plague of chess again. Wierd? Any one out there want to guess what frustrated sexual desire that is? No...please don't! Foolishness ruled the roost in my childhood, I had nightmares by the dozen. Know anyone who doesn't dream? I think they are lying...everyone dreams in some fashion...Don't they?


Tony Stark said...

To not dream would be impossible. That would imply that you go brain dead while sleeping. I remember my dreams but I've heard people tell me that they can't remember theirs. Sleep has always been a weird thing with me though. I was tested as a kid (something about sleep patterns) & I think I'm suppose to take medication to rest better. They say that bad dreams can occur even when you get enough rest (sometimes they're dependant upon the quality of sleep).

As far as your face, I just wanted to put an image with a voice (words), nothing superficial about it...sleep tight :)

Maxine Perella said...

i love sleep. too much. i could sleep forever.

Kat Mortensen said...

I graduated from university oh, 22 years ago (**gasp**) and I still have periodic dreams where I'm trying to cancel a course that I haven't done any work for and the exams are looming. It's terrifying!
One of my favourite dreams is when I get carried up into the sky by a rush of wind and I can fly over everything below. I haven't had that one in a long time. It is the freedom dream.

DragonRaid said...

ever dream of nothing? ever woken up falling? ever dreamt of something that actually happened the next day? it's really odd...