I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Most Common Dreams...Do you agree?

Some of us would love to blame Freud and Jung for dream interpretations and psychoanalysis...but really its our ancestors fault. The Lakota Sioux believe that dreams are important modes of the communication between the spiritworld and the present world. The Aborigines believe dreamtime...the Dreaming is at once both the ancient time of creation and the present day reality of Dreaming. So we are only the happy recipients of a long history of Dream interpretation.So Here is a little of the Psycho babble of modern day Freudians, Jungians and Courtney. Concerning the Common Dreams of today:

1. Falling through space or jumping off a cliff. (I have this one...alot of the time)
Expert: could be a body reaction to "falling asleep" especially in light sleep - legs may jerk in a reflex action may indicate loss of control in a situation
My Opinion: In mid air...you feel as light as a feather...therefore its a weight loss dream

2. Large waves and water. (Use to dream about this once in awhile)
Expert: tidal waves can represent strong feelings or emotions, or a sense of being swamped
My Opinion: The Beach is dangerous...Water...is more dangerous...Water at the Beach Very Dangerous, repressed childhood memory...from when a wave knocked you over at the beach and drug you under...been there.

3. Chased by monsters. (Never)
Experts: events are catching up with you trying to run away from something
My Opinion: Don't be afraid of the dark...only what is in the dark

4. Going to toilet. (Never again)
Experts: might need to go! getting rid of old attitudes
My Opinion: Weird!

5. Fully or partially naked. (I have an attachment to always been clothed...so never)
Experts: feeling exposed or vulnerable
My Opinion: Time to buy a new wardrobe or go to the laundry

6. Flying (Never)
Experts: rising above daily problems seeing things in a new way
My Opinion: You watched too many superhero television shows or you need to think about a career in piloting or birdwatching.

7. Sex (Never...I am far too...vanilla for this)
Experts: release of sexual feelings integration of new/different ideas or characteristics represented by the partner
My Opinion: Humans are dirty fleshly creatures....

8. In a house with rooms and doors. (Several times)
Experts: rooms represent different aspects of the dreamer doors represent opportunities
My Opinion: You need a smaller house...or you got lost as a child in a large house...repressed childhood memory.

9. Traveling. (Frequently)
Experts: current direction or path in life
My Opinion: Travel...you need to

10. Death. (Never...life is just too much fun)
Experts: new beginnings out with the old - in with the new
My Opinion: Either a premonition of your own death or your looking for a change

(Source: Dee, Nerys (1990) Discover Dreams: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Interpreting Dreams London: Harper Collins)

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