I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Its been a long long long long long long time!

To answer Mr. Stark's question: I have been to the depths of despair and rose to the surface with only my self to blame. Yet, I am alive with new light, life and purpose. Another year begins and all the bad of the past, slinks away to hide for posterity. I almost lost my job, had trouble with college financing, lost a hope, and regained order from the chaos. I AM BACK ! Look for new posts, soon. I think...don't quote me on this, but I have finally figured out college and am enrolled in classes. I didn't even fail the first assignment. Hope all my cyberspace blogfellows are well, happy, and healthy. I can't wait to check out all the new posts.

Here are some very interesting statistics about how we university students spend our money. The average person drinks 3 cups of coffee. I did a little math to add up what Starbucks brings in from the average Starbuckian a year:
$4 a venti latte(x)
2 times a day(x)
7 days a week(x)
52 weeks a year
=$2912 per year
Now, lets just take it a bit farther:
110 million adult US consumers(x)

Lets just say....its no wonder coffee is hot!
By the way...just think of what we could do if we gave up just one of those cups of coffee a day and gave that money to a worthy cause. End childhood cancer? Find a cure for Alzheimer's disease? End the AIDS epidemic? Save Darfur? Bring real equality to people? End poverty?


Maxine Perella said...

well, being english, i don't drink coffee. i've been reading 'stuffed and starved' which makes for grim realisations on the coffee and tea front ... i try to drink fair trade, but i don't like it. it's not like organic meat that actually tastes a great deal better. there is obviously a gap in the market here.

Kat Mortensen said...

I wouldn't be able to pay my bills if I had SB coffee everyday! That's why I prefer a nice, home-brewed tea. Starbucks is the occasional treat.
Maybe we should start a movement to set aside one day a week to collect our Starbucks money and then contribute it to a worthy cause. What could we call it?

Tony Stark said...

Good to see you back in true super hero form!! Your page inspired me to include a few sidebar words of wisdom similar to yours (Extractions of Starky Life). As far as Starbucks, WOW thats alotta dough! I'm not heavy on coffee lucky, .....but I bet I've helped fatten some tea makers pockets nicely.

To chime in on the person who was talking about the Starbucks movement, she could call it "Smartbucks" as a play on words & as a symbol to show how using it else could be "smarter".... i dunno, just a thought though ;)