I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Silver 25th Nightmare

I try not to complain when I put myself into situations that turn out bad, because I believe in talking responsibility for myself. I am a proponent of the "buck stops here" philosophy. So, It becomes really hard occassionally when others don't exactly hold up their side of the bargain. What do I mean exactly?

Well, I have been planning a 25th anniversary party for my parents for the last 6 months. At first all was going well. That is until I started to try and get my younger sister to do her part. Seriously, how much work is it to put stamps on envelopes and put them in the mail? How much work is it to make a list of groceries, especially when the menu is already planned? Is it really too much to ask to have her look at me and say something other than...my name isn't on it. What age is it that siblings stop havin rivalry and pick up the banner of peace? I am stuck...I can't fire her because she is my sister and my parents want her involved. Yet, its my money, my time, and my irritation.

I've been dreaming in silver lately trying to finish up last minute preparations. I'm just curious what do you think RSVP by the 18th means? I was under the silly assumption that this meant reserve a spot by 18th. Yet, most of the guests didn't start RSVPing until the 18th and I am still currently recieveing calls. And people get angry when you don't confirm their RSVP. GRRR...I had no idea that middle aged people could be so picky.

Yet, when I assess the overall experience and I look at how happy this party had better make my parents...its all worth it. They have through my whole life from kindergarten to Grad School supported me emotionally, financially to the best of their ability no matter how small, and with an occassional swift kick. So heres to you Mom and Dad, your 25th anniversary party, even if it drives me slightly insane.

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