I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I am no stranger to envy or jealousy, although I have grown to manage these impulses with intelligence, empathy and common sense. Yet, the one impulse I have yet to handle is my ability to judge harshly those in places of prominence such as pastors, teachers, police officers, Presidents, Judges, and Celebrities.

I had an epiphany while reading a post from the Stark Files...I am often very critical of Celebrities....for the obvious examples: Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Britney Speares...etc. My message usually is that money, power, influence, beauty and tele-identity make people idols for worship and they aren't worthy. Some people vote, dress, eat and think like celebrities out of worship for a Hollywood ethic that they can't truly understand and that doesn't really exist. I bash the mindless drones for their worship and often all celebrities are trampled in my messages of fire and brimstone.

Today, I realized that their are stars out there like:
Alyssa Milano,
Sandra Bullock,
Nicholas Cage,
Jackie Chan,
Celine Dion and many others

They all deserve a round of applause. These many stars actively support with funds, time and sincerity foundations and causes for the betterment of humankind. I should be careful, most College students don't think twice about shrugging off charitable actions or wasting extra cash of themselves. How many regular people do you know that would donate over 3 dollars to a charity? Here lies the rub...why then am I so quick to judge prominent figures by a criterion...I won't judge the rest of the world by? Hypocrisy? I donate...but do I do enough? All that I could? I shouldn't be so quick to lump all celebrities according to the seemingly idiotic behaviors of a few.

Goodnight Cyberspace, Be weary of Celebrities for advice on how to live, but recognize that idolship comes great responsibility.


Tony Stark said...

I admire, not idolize...& I believe all of us are celebrities in our own rights (some just get paid for it LOL), but then again that could be my delusion of grandeur acting up again. (me & my confidence, tisk tisk) :)

Shemley said...

I am feeling what you are saying, maybe I am too critical of those who I do not know (celebrities) but I find it hard to sympathise probably because I will never know...

I have linked you too...