I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Operation 10

Stolen from the darling poet closest to my heart Poetikat...I offer from the realm of Mc Kittrick, straight from the halls of Morris Manor...via the fingers of a Softhearted Hardhead....Operation 10. Which for all of you that can not read my mind is my quest to find out why the number 10 is so important. I mean everyone wants to know 10 facts about you, 10 most used words, 10 biggest errors...how to loose a guy in 10 days....Or why Pearl Jam named an album Ten....or why there is a Big Ten Conference instead of a Big Six...or my personal favorite...On a scale from one to ten...so here is the profile of 10:

The number systems of important ancient cultures such as the Greeks and Hebrews were built on successive orders of 10. Ten is seen as the completion of all the other numbers before it or the culmination of those before it. Ten is built into the basic anatomy of our bodies: ten fingers and ten toes. Thus, ten is seen as the completeness of order. Ten for most implies completeness of order, no missing pieces and no leftovers. Ten for Biblical scholars and believes represents the perfection of divine order(10 commandments, 10 righteous, 10 generations...etc).

And for any Fans of Monk...we know its true. For him there is no greater good than 10 and its brothers 100, 1000, and in the case of his current season finale...1,000,000.

In addition for any numerologist fans (or Sylvia Brown addicts): Ten has the primary meanings of fulfillment, the conscious mind, the logical mind.

So if any of you are like me and wonder why we don't say 8 favorite things, 11 best movies, or 9 spectacular sayings....this may clear it up!

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