It is time to face the facts. I am without understanding. The Sweet Poetikat/Kathleen sent me a "meme," but do to my inability to pull away from school work and complexities of life never responded. I plead with the creator of the forgive my ignorance and all others who find this a useful tool to learn about bloggers especially Poetikat. I believe the point of this quaint blogging custom is to generate visitors to the blogs and awareness to the people who write them. So, if anyone is listening please explain the meaning to me...if you wish. Please don't find me arrogant, but I figure I will follow the example of friends and tell you a little about myself as well as tag a few other of my favorite bloggers to talk a little about themselves...letting them know I enjoy their blogs:
The Stark Files
Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes
Parnell Corder Orchids
Never count on tomorrow
Motifs- Snap Shots of Life
Lights Out For Darker Skies
What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was 11 years, my mind was on pursuit of finding friends and loving life.
What was I doing 1 year ago?
Last year, I was working through my 3rd year of the University and working as a chair aerobics instructor at a Senior Citizen Community Home.
What was I doing yesterday?
Yesterday, I was revising, rewriting, crying and pulling my hair out over a Term paper on the the complexities of H.R. Niebuhr's Christology in The Responsible Self.
Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Cherries
2. Popcorn
3. Toostie Roll pops (Cherry and Orange)
4. Raw Almonds
5. Dark Chocolate
Five things I would do if I won 100 million dollars:
1. Help out my parents with University Debt accrued by me
2. Donate the rest to numerous Charities
3. Donate
4. Donate
5. Donate
Five locations I would like to run away to:
1. Ireland
2. Scotland
3. Germany
4. Czech Republic
5. Shangri La
Bad (weird) habits I have:
1. Talking way too much
2. Practicing Psychology with out a license
3. Collecting Stamps
4. Buying a bottle of Alcohol to try it once and regifting it
5. Cricticalism
Five things I like doing:
1. Conversing
2. Arguing
3. Listening to Old Radio Shows
4. Collecting and learning about Stamps
5. Cooking
Five tv shows I like:
1. Justice League
2. Mightor and Moby Dick
3. Jakers
4. Bones
3. House
Five things I hate doing:
1. Driving
2. Running
3. Wearing dress shoes
4. Paying bills
5. Working to make money
Five biggest joys of the moment:
1. Spontaneous Goodwill
2. Beauty in the face of a person
3. Smiles
4. Kind words
5. Spontaneous Conversation
hey up. sorry i've not dropped by for a while. i will add to you my google reader and thy will be done!
A Meme is a portal to things of a similar culture (ie. blogs), & thanx for the shout out on your blog ;)
i appreciate the mention. sorry for not viewing your blog in a while: work, time, problems, etc.
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