I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

When did Thanksgiving become the New Christimas?

I think I missed the wagon, somewhere, when the Corporates who obviously control the world decided that Thanksgiving would be the new Christmas. I believe it should be against the law to play Christmas carols before the month of December. Call the Fire Investigator! Isn't it a fire hazard to start selling Christmas trees the November 19th. Christmas trees dry up, the poor lifeblood of the numerous evergreen pines is sucked dry each day until the 31st....I think I once heard a demonstration that a Christmas tree will burn to ashes in less than a minute...like an exploding roman candle. Picketers....should picket the injustice that is done to society...when holidays with true strength and character like Thanksgiving are shown aside for profit, consumerism and affluenza. Unfortunately, I got into a drawn out conversation with a college professor last week, he claimed that Thanksgiving is all about food. How sad it is when even the educators of the next generation forget the true meaning of Thanksgiving. I say donate the money you would spend on Thanksgiving to the homeless shelter, the food bank or UNICEF and eat peanut butter in jelly. Allow others to enjoy the riches of your spoil...give to those that have less. Find the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for the blessing we receive. We receive these blessings in the form of family, love, conversation and friendship. Thanksgiving is about overcoming the selfish, arrogance of daily life and coming together with those that mean the most to us. Never forget that Thanksgiving isn't about the food. Food is a benefit and a pleasure...but not what the holiday is about.
Today as my family sat scattered throughout our living room sipping Applejack after the meal...that is when true Thanksgiving started. We set around telling stories and listening. My Grandfather told stories of his time in the army....about home brewing applejack. Grandma spoke about family nights in front to the fire. Mom and Uncle Mark exchanged hopeless tales of childhood mischief. Dad gave a hilarious car story. Eventually the conversation switched to politics, presidential candidates and finally to how much we love getting together. To me this is the recipe for a real Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Tony Stark said...

I just had this conversation last night. I had to remind a friend that Thanksgiving wasn't just about food. Unfortunately it was just another day for me though, no food & family where I'm at (I moved from my home state in 2004).