I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Hope, Joy...Financial Woe?

Thank goodness, there are very few times in my life when I can look back and say my family forgot their holiday spirit. We are not the Lampoons or the Family down the block that use 2,000,000 Christmas lights to cover the house with holiday cheer. We are usually the family who waits to mid-December before putting up a string of lights down the fence, around the bay window and up the banister of the back steps. We are the family who must schedule the tree pick up because we are all running 3 separate ways, but we are also the family that always trims the tree together. Unfortunately this year, the house seems to be covered with a haze of the Scrooges and Ba humbugs. Its been a hard year financially for all of us, but it seems that is all anyone can think about. Sorrow becomes me, because I can't figure out a way to pull them from the depths of despair to hot cocoa and cookies. I've come out with an idea. That is truly revolutionary, well...at least in my family. The idea...to have a Christmas with no presents. I want to invite our entire family for a meal, coffee, a yule log and some festive music. At this Christmas party the only gift to be exchanged will be Christmas cards, kind words, hugs, kisses and smiles. I'm tired of feeling as though the world has been turned upside down because of gifts. What do you think Masters and Geniuses of Cyberspace? Do you find this idea invigorating and enlivening for the true Christmas season or do you find it a drag?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tis The Season For Thought...

Have any of you watched the American sitcom Golden Girls? It's what the younger generation refers to as an old show. (Golden Girls: re-runs on daytime and late night TV) Tonight I watched an episode. It really made me think. The episode was about the girls going to a homeless center to look for a lottery ticket. Disturbingly, it really made me think about how much we ignore the needy. IN the USA we think of homelessness as a problem that is at the root of it a personal problem. Our answer is to prescribe 'pull yourself up by your boot straps' or occasional charity. Really, How dare we sleep in our warm houses every night and shrug off helping those who need it. The least we could to is give our time in volunteering or donating money for shelters, medicines, hosing, job training, life enrichment programs. The majority of homeless in the US is Mentally ill and Veterans of the armed forces. How dare we turn our backs on them? During this holiday season...give more than just one glance when you see a chance to help. No matter how small the act, everything counts. A warm blanket, a cup of coffee, a few cents or just a small smile, Give dignity and respect to all. You think your so different, that just in one minute you could be sharing their circumstances. We are all fellow servants on the journey of life.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Little Gems From Mistland

Winter Wonderland! Natural Symmetry? Perfected Asymmetry?
I love these very simple, yet very complex distinct snowflakes. Each one is different, like a fingerprint. How many fingers does Jack Frost have? This is my tribute to an amazing man. Mr. Wilson Bentley. On January 15, 1885, at the age of 19 years,Bentley took the world's first photomicrograph of a snow crystal.
Bentley had an irrevocable love of snow. He wrote:
"they came from that mysterious and then but little known cloud and mistland above, so seldom entered. How unique their place of origin and how strange it seemed, and indeed seems yet, that solid crystals in such immense quantities should form unsupported, up above, within the thin gas we call air, and come to us from on high. What worlds of mystery, truly how much of mystery enshrouded their origin and life history and manner and habits of growth. There seemed to be a delightful and gem-bestrewn realm of nature awaiting exploration and discovery and sure to richly reward the investigator. So I marveled not only at the exquisite loveliness of form and interior of these peerless gems from cloudland, but equally so at their almost universal habit of assuming the hexagonal form and dividing into six. What magic was there in the rule of six that made them conform so rigidly to its laws to divide into six and made these crystals from mistland conform so rigidly to its mandate?"
("Marvel of the Snow Gems" (1910), Technical World Magazine, 13, 24-27. By Wilson A. Bentley)
Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Let the Clover and the Harp Ring supreme!

Listen...............................................This is the sound of a deep breath after 3 take home finals. Only one more to go! History 313 at 11 am, Irish History. Let me just pass it! Let luck be on my side.....Let my essays ring passion and mightiness like these words of a forlorn patriot:
"Lend me your ears. So that I might do justice to the patriots and the politicians who gave Eire her freedom. Let the Irish blood split not be in vain, but for future generation to remember her cries. Long Live Eireann...Long Live Peace....Long Live the memories of Micheal Collins and Eammon DeValera"

Prince Charming...?

I've been tagged by a fellow blogger Mr. Stark Files to open up on a what I believe my ideal guy would be...but boy is that like opening a can of worms. I could say he would be tall dark and handsome...but truly that is much more my idea of an ideal chocolate bar. My ideal man really has no physical profile. I am much more the emotional, intellectual type. Appearance always has been and will be of very small consequence to me. I do appreciate someone who dresses for the occasion whatever it might be...and cares about himself. Really that's all that matters in the appearance section...although I use to have a thing for long hair...those adolescent days are behind me....When ever a friend asks me what my ideal guy is I always wonder if their is a recipe? I haven't met him yet, so I don't know. I am attracted to men who care about the actions they do and present to the world. That converse in more than four letter words, that care about what goes on in the world and look in depth at politics, life and the norm. Who questions absolute conformity, but enjoys the striaght and narrow. They must be critical, thoughtful, well read, and love to talk. He has to love to talk....and not about video games, but about what really counts: himself, the world...etc. I don't want a guy that views a relationship out of bed more important than in it. Mostly, I am looking for a man willing to spend his life as my partner, who will involve me in his with goals and dreams as well as care about mine. With a large helping of integrity, humor and true character and a dash of sarcasm.
So if your out there...Look me up!
p.s. Someone who doesn't mind an opinionated female would be helpful.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Honey, you belong in the kitchen with a baby on your hip....

I will not allow double standards, stereotypes, or backward thinking exist in my world any longer. I am sick and tired of being seen as an incapable female. To any man or woman out there who believes women should be mothers and daughters and allow the Patriarchy to rule the world...THE TIME WHEN THAT EXISTED IS OVER...GET OVER IT! I am a woman and I am just as capable as any man. I am sorry for who this might offend, but I can't stand the thought that women are only equal to men part of the time. My Mother and Sister just finished explaining to me how a woman could not be president due to the fact that they are "emotionally unstable" What are they saying? How can they say that? So I am less than a man and can not ever be president, a CEO, a international leader...I will always be subordinate and ruled over by men because women were made different and think with their hearts? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I will not be defined by the fact that I am able to bear children...that fact doesn't change my intelligence, level of stability, logical or critical thinking ability or incapacitate me as a human being. It drives me insane that in the world of today...under my roof...there are intelligent women who are okay with saying they deserve less pay...deserve less respect. HOW?.....I can't go on....I better stop now...PLEASE....Look around and Listen to reason, Women are Equal and not just on paper, I am not less stable than a man, I have the ability to lead, live and think at the same level as any man! Understand, I am not man bashing...I am simply stating that there are several successful woman that lead countries such as The president of Finland, Bhutto from Pakistan, Madeline Albright, Janet Reno, Margaret Thatcher....and many more...they served their countries as well as any man. Women and Men share the same abilities one is not the stronger sex. Men and Women are different nature vs. nurture...but the differences are not so big that it should serve to force a label of "emotionally unstable."

Friday, November 23, 2007


Celebrate as often and as much as possible. Do so with love, joy, sadness in times that are tough, in times of excess. Do so with a heart overpowering with emotion or with a heart hardened by the daily grind. Many cultures around the world have parties where they give away everything they have such as the Potlatch of numerous Northeastern tribes and Aleutians and Inuit. You give until it hurts and then you give more. I wonder if any body in America would be willing to throw a birthday party and instead of getting gifts they give gifts to their mother, father, friends and family for coming. I say start a new custom...give a reverse party!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

When did Thanksgiving become the New Christimas?

I think I missed the wagon, somewhere, when the Corporates who obviously control the world decided that Thanksgiving would be the new Christmas. I believe it should be against the law to play Christmas carols before the month of December. Call the Fire Investigator! Isn't it a fire hazard to start selling Christmas trees the November 19th. Christmas trees dry up, the poor lifeblood of the numerous evergreen pines is sucked dry each day until the 31st....I think I once heard a demonstration that a Christmas tree will burn to ashes in less than a minute...like an exploding roman candle. Picketers....should picket the injustice that is done to society...when holidays with true strength and character like Thanksgiving are shown aside for profit, consumerism and affluenza. Unfortunately, I got into a drawn out conversation with a college professor last week, he claimed that Thanksgiving is all about food. How sad it is when even the educators of the next generation forget the true meaning of Thanksgiving. I say donate the money you would spend on Thanksgiving to the homeless shelter, the food bank or UNICEF and eat peanut butter in jelly. Allow others to enjoy the riches of your spoil...give to those that have less. Find the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for the blessing we receive. We receive these blessings in the form of family, love, conversation and friendship. Thanksgiving is about overcoming the selfish, arrogance of daily life and coming together with those that mean the most to us. Never forget that Thanksgiving isn't about the food. Food is a benefit and a pleasure...but not what the holiday is about.
Today as my family sat scattered throughout our living room sipping Applejack after the meal...that is when true Thanksgiving started. We set around telling stories and listening. My Grandfather told stories of his time in the army....about home brewing applejack. Grandma spoke about family nights in front to the fire. Mom and Uncle Mark exchanged hopeless tales of childhood mischief. Dad gave a hilarious car story. Eventually the conversation switched to politics, presidential candidates and finally to how much we love getting together. To me this is the recipe for a real Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Please To Remember The Fifth of November

Do you know what holiday is celebrated in Britain on November 5th in England? Guy Fawkes Day. I have always heard of Guy Fawkes day, yet never knew what it meant. I figured it was likely a famous British man celebrated for some noble accomplishment. Interestingly however it might be said that Guy Fawkes is celebrated for his notoriety. I guess you might say it is an English Nationalist holiday reinforcing a national narrative of how good forces won over the devilish plot of a treasonist. Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Parliament and James Stewart with barrels of gun powder. The Plot is commonly called the Gunpowder Plot. In 1605, Guy Fawkes was apprehended in vault below the house with barrels of gunpowder. Guy Fawkes and 3 other men were executed for their treason. The Holiday is celebrated by young teens running the streets with blackened faces begging for pennies "penny for a guy", chanting rhymes "please to remember the fifth of November, Guy Fawkes die, hit him in the eye" or "Remember, remember, the fifth of November Gunpowder treason and plot I see no reason why Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot" and the burning of life size effigies of Guy Fawkes on large bonfires. Hmmm...very interesting...guess where I learned this? The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes episode 'the gunpowder plot'...but don't worry, I researched it too....interesting. Can you believe it? Did you know it? Is there more too it? What about possible prejudice towards Catholics?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Inspiration in Waite

One day you wake up and realize this might be your last....that in the blink of an eye you could cease to exist...or that 5, 10, 15 years of your life can be taken away from you, all for the good of a cause...an ideology. Ideology is a righteous thing...when founded in natural virtue, human rights, life and liberty, but it is a bloody wicked force when in the hands of extremists. For Terry Waite his life became a symbol for a body of people ruled by ideology, religio-political extremist ideology. Mr. Waite's inspiration was not in his words truly, because words can be practiced, theaterized and subterfuged. His inspiration was in his person. He stood before us as a man surviving 5 years of death for many years of affirming life. In some ways Mr. Waite is the Responsible self that Niebuhr speaks of....He is a Relativiser and affirmer of life. I hope someday, I have the pleasure to say, I've lived up to my responsibility as a human being. That I have turned a philosophy of death into a philosophy of life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hostage to Negoiater

Yesterday, I had the honor to attend a private speech given by Terry Waite. This man was one of the most inspirational speakers I have ever had the pleasure and honor to hear.Mr. Waite was taken hostage in Beirut, held in solitary confinement for 4 years and 1 year in confinement with others. On returning to Beirut in 2003, Mr. Waite harbored no resentment to his captors. For a world traveler and International renowned figure and a survivor, he was surprisingly down to earth and kind. He laughed and smiled quite often. He is who every person should want to be. One of my fellow students asked Mr. Waite about his feelings towards his captors and If he would forgive if he could? Mr. Waite said "You must not loose hope, their is always hope, because bitterness is like a cancer that gets into the soul" Wow...I don't know what else to say...I have to let these thoughts stew for a while. Stay tuned for part two of "Inspiration in Waite"

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Naughty Pleasures!

Who isn't a fan of BBC? I love Blue Planet...Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple...numerous shows of the yester year and a few new. I have a confession to make to all BBC humor fans: I found the Monty Python films very disturbing, and vowed never to watch anymore after the Search for the holy grail. I thought I had put to bed any love I had for BBC humor. I was wrong...I confess I have found a well of humor in FAWLTY TOWERS. I believe it was first aired in 1975 and only aired for a short time ,but its wickedly humorous and terribly naughty.The episodes are not the least bit Politically correct...but I nearly laughed myself into the hospital after the episode "The Wedding Party." John Cleese is spectacular...his legacy shall be remembered forever. It should be illegal to have as much trouble as poor Basil does! Fawlty Towers has redeemed BBC humor and given me the itch for a bit more.Now..I may not go in for Hotel Babylon or the Office, but Fawlty Towers will go down in the Softhearted handbook of hilarium. Any recommendations?

P.S Starbucks has their Gingerbread back! Having soft fresh slices of gingerbread at a coffee house should be illegal...there are probably 400 calories...in one slice. What I would do for a pill that would make those 400 calories disappear with no work...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What is Meme?

It is time to face the facts. I am without understanding. The Sweet Poetikat/Kathleen sent me a "meme," but do to my inability to pull away from school work and complexities of life never responded. I plead with the creator of the meme...to forgive my ignorance and all others who find this a useful tool to learn about bloggers especially Poetikat. I believe the point of this quaint blogging custom is to generate visitors to the blogs and awareness to the people who write them. So, if anyone is listening please explain the meaning to me...if you wish. Please don't find me arrogant, but I figure I will follow the example of friends and tell you a little about myself as well as tag a few other of my favorite bloggers to talk a little about themselves...letting them know I enjoy their blogs:

The Stark Files
Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes
Parnell Corder Orchids
Never count on tomorrow
Motifs- Snap Shots of Life
Lights Out For Darker Skies

What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was 11 years, my mind was on pursuit of finding friends and loving life.

What was I doing 1 year ago?
Last year, I was working through my 3rd year of the University and working as a chair aerobics instructor at a Senior Citizen Community Home.

What was I doing yesterday?
Yesterday, I was revising, rewriting, crying and pulling my hair out over a Term paper on the the complexities of H.R. Niebuhr's Christology in The Responsible Self.

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Cherries
2. Popcorn
3. Toostie Roll pops (Cherry and Orange)
4. Raw Almonds
5. Dark Chocolate

Five things I would do if I won 100 million dollars:
1. Help out my parents with University Debt accrued by me
2. Donate the rest to numerous Charities
3. Donate
4. Donate
5. Donate

Five locations I would like to run away to:
1. Ireland
2. Scotland
3. Germany
4. Czech Republic
5. Shangri La

Bad (weird) habits I have:
1. Talking way too much
2. Practicing Psychology with out a license
3. Collecting Stamps
4. Buying a bottle of Alcohol to try it once and regifting it
5. Cricticalism

Five things I like doing:
1. Conversing
2. Arguing
3. Listening to Old Radio Shows
4. Collecting and learning about Stamps
5. Cooking

Five tv shows I like:
1. Justice League
2. Mightor and Moby Dick
3. Jakers
4. Bones
3. House

Five things I hate doing:
1. Driving
2. Running
3. Wearing dress shoes
4. Paying bills
5. Working to make money

Five biggest joys of the moment:
1. Spontaneous Goodwill
2. Beauty in the face of a person
3. Smiles
4. Kind words
5. Spontaneous Conversation

Monday, November 5, 2007

I Refuse

I refuse to believe it! I am not going to even think it...its utterly impossible...I can't be getting sick. Time is terrible...two weeks till the end of the quarter. Two papers, 3 finals in three weeks...getting sick would be a catastrophe. I will not let it happen! Yet I feel the heaviness in my sinuses, the slight ache in the knees and back. My head feels a little light...no...no...no I will not succumb to the seduction of sickness. I will push on bring on the orange juice, grapefruit juice, water and soup, I will banish the thought of illness from my mind. Positive thinking, vitamins and aroma therapy. I will not let the season change throw me for a loop. Raise your glasses fizzing with Airborne tablets and raise them high,Toast with me those of us who will not bow down to the tyranny of Colds, Flu or Allergies. Drink to Healthiness! Drink to Strength of will! Drink for the right to Life! I will not let the nastiness of under the weather rain on my parade. I will finish this quarter even if it kills me!