I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Honey, you belong in the kitchen with a baby on your hip....

I will not allow double standards, stereotypes, or backward thinking exist in my world any longer. I am sick and tired of being seen as an incapable female. To any man or woman out there who believes women should be mothers and daughters and allow the Patriarchy to rule the world...THE TIME WHEN THAT EXISTED IS OVER...GET OVER IT! I am a woman and I am just as capable as any man. I am sorry for who this might offend, but I can't stand the thought that women are only equal to men part of the time. My Mother and Sister just finished explaining to me how a woman could not be president due to the fact that they are "emotionally unstable" What are they saying? How can they say that? So I am less than a man and can not ever be president, a CEO, a international leader...I will always be subordinate and ruled over by men because women were made different and think with their hearts? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I will not be defined by the fact that I am able to bear children...that fact doesn't change my intelligence, level of stability, logical or critical thinking ability or incapacitate me as a human being. It drives me insane that in the world of today...under my roof...there are intelligent women who are okay with saying they deserve less pay...deserve less respect. HOW?.....I can't go on....I better stop now...PLEASE....Look around and Listen to reason, Women are Equal and not just on paper, I am not less stable than a man, I have the ability to lead, live and think at the same level as any man! Understand, I am not man bashing...I am simply stating that there are several successful woman that lead countries such as The president of Finland, Bhutto from Pakistan, Madeline Albright, Janet Reno, Margaret Thatcher....and many more...they served their countries as well as any man. Women and Men share the same abilities one is not the stronger sex. Men and Women are different nature vs. nurture...but the differences are not so big that it should serve to force a label of "emotionally unstable."


Tony Stark said...

your response to my XMAS list left your list open. Now out of curiosity I would like to know what the rest was. You should do a post about your ideal guy. :) (tag, youre it)


DragonRaid said...

keep fighting. everything will balance out eventually. look forward to true equality.

Unknown said...

Shut the fuck up and make me a sandwich while you're in the kitchen.