I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Idle Words

The world is filled with words, people use them to harm and to help. Most often I believe that those in the human population with the ability to engage and uplift the mind of our people should do so. Especially educators such as University professors. They should use their words to encourage and promote learning in their students. I understand that they must use their red ink to correct and to punish once in a while but for the most part they are there as tools for students. Ask a good one, they would agree. Yet, My Human Biology professor gave up on that prospect when he went on a obesity rant .There is no doubt that obesity is becoming a problem for many people around the world especially here in the United States. Yet, it doesn't excuse ignorance or intentional stupidity by those individuals not inflicted with it. Mr. Human Bio told a half an hour lecture about a student he saw using the elevator that was extremely obese, then continued to enlighten us with the secret knowledge that the only people who drink diet soda are fat people. Well, Mr. Human Bio I'd like to explain a few things to you, it is none of your business if an overweight student or extremely thin student chose to use the elevator. Please rethink your choice of telling your entire class about it, you have no idea the health of this student, his background or whether or not he runs 4 miles a day. Guess what it is possible. Not all overweight individuals are frequenters of McDonald's, Burger King or Frosty Freeze. Some of them have glandular problems, others come from families where muscle mass, bone structure and ethnic background play a part. I agree Mr. Human Bio that potato chips, no exercise and poor choice in beverages is a big contributor, but if it was the only one, then how come there are any exceptions. Look me in the face and tell me you've never had a soda or ice cream sundae. Maybe while your at it explain to me why your complaining about diet soda consumption, there are zero calories and sugar in a diet soda so I hardly believe it contributes to obesity. The first person I ever saw drink a diet soda was my Texan Aunt who by the way is 125 lbs. Maybe Mr. Human Bio you don't really see the whole picture. Maybe if you were empathetic and stopped treating people like lazy couch potatoes with an illness that is spurred by laziness and snack food, Everyone might sleep a little easier at night. I can't believe that as a professor of Human Biology you would pass on such stereotypical views of the human physical makeup or joke it away at the expense of a fellow student. Temper your words with your heart and brain.

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