I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I love a good conversation whether it be chatting online or speaking face to face. Each has its advantages. Chatting online you get to sit in your PJs, listening to a podcast or eat ice cream, and the person your chatting to has no idea and can't be offended or feel like you aren't listening. Yet, speaking person to person allows one to read more than just speech. When you sit across from somebody and actually look at that persons face, you can read their feelings and opinion from their body language, you can see the condition of their soul in many ways. That is something one can never do over the computer. Yet, you normally have to get dressed and be respectful in person and you can't use cute little things like lol, imao and many more. Although I hate them so that would be on the plus side. I've often struck up conversation with random people just to try and enrich my own life. Try it, you won't believe the results. Start with a gentle comment such as complimenting on a clothes item or the weather, then continue with a simple words about what your doing. Test the waters, and if the person is willing to talk go for it with both feet. I find that life is a lonely place when you spend it in your own mind with no input from others. Just like this blog, Do others actually read it? If so give me a comment, I'd love to hear any feedback be it good or be it bad, I am just starting out and I am not all that full of bright ideas. I love to give out my own advice, but I realized when speaking to a close friend that is a psychologist the other day that my advice giving might actually be annoying. I know, I know that probably sounds like an arrogant comment to make where is my superego when I need it! But honestly I really thought I was giving my opinion and advice when it was needed. I have decided to tone it down for a bit and see if those adviseees of mine will ask for my advice. Maybe its not helpful and more of an annoying compulsion for me... So I decided to start a blog so I could voice my opinions and advice and odd bits of interest with cyberspace where it could be enjoyed, despised or left alone with out alienating friends or family. Maybe I am a philanthropist or just an arrogant bum who enjoys hearing my own voice. This deserves more personal thought.

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