I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Friday, September 7, 2007

How Blue Can You Make Me?

Honestly, All those who hate blogs that rant about the world, family and life in general...you might want to ignore this post. I intend to rant about Selfishness. Tonight I came face to face with a Mother and Father who care for nothing other than themselves. They ripped their son from our home to take him out on the street. They have no home, no food, no money. They took him from our home out of vindictiveness because they were angry that My Father couldn't allow them to do drugs and drink in our home. They are using that boy as a bargaining chip. They are so selfish they think of their addictions and wants before his safety and sanity. Its understandable that they need time to work out their lives, but not at his expense. He needs stability and love. In his whole life he has never been a top priority, numero uno, but last to least . How dare any parent put themselves first when they make a life! When two people share intimacy and create life, its not a mistake that can be wiped away and forgotten. When that child is allowed to grow, mature and become a person, no one has the right to use him as a tool. To work a system, to build guilt or blackmail people . I young life is a precious thing, where dreams, imagination, and promise bloom. V.F. the boy, has high hopes of joining the coastguard and saving people someday, yet his Father and Mother want to take him out of school and football practice...for what? For selfishness, just to punish My Father. How can they be so cruel to their son? My Mother's tears flow uncontrollably, she feels sick with worry about this young boy that she has grown to love and care for. I have so much more I'd like to say, but I will finish before I continue. I am stopping now in order for anyone who reads this not to think of my words but to think of the boy, V. F. , He is a human being just beginning with his whole life ahead of him. How dare his parents put his life on hold so they can fulfill hedonistic urges! Responsibility, Respect, Compassion and Love, Remember and Use your heart and Your mind! REMEMBER THE CHILDREN!


Maxine Perella said...

it's beyond comprehension, i know. but one day that boy will be old enough to make his own decisions, and go where he wants to go. i don't know the circumstances surrounding this, but if you all are worried about him presumably social services can get involved? (or whatever is the equivalent in the US)

DragonRaid said...

that's not right...the boy has a right to do what he wants to do. becoming a coastguard and saving lives is a very admirable dream.