I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Odd Decor

I look around my room. Finding my eyes wandering tither and ho...and back again. What does this room say about me? What would a person think if they saw it? Better yet, what if they then tried to decipher it? Is it indicative of my personality? First of all it is a cluttered, disorganized, mumble jumble of items collected over the years of my life. Center stage is a huge Pink Satin drapery...just about the color of bubble gum.. Stage right is a pink silk robe hanging on a hook attached to the back of the door. I never wear it, but it matches the curtain. A necessary accessory. Stage left a huge steamer trunk circa very old with a small 15 inch TV perched atop. Further left a dresser stacked with books, markers, color pencils, paints and albums. Against the Far wall a cedar chest, a Stereo cabinet, and a book case. Stacked with a cityscape of book skyscrapers, knick knack parks, school paper houses and odd alley ways of miscellaneous treasure (a.k.a rubbish). Find a place with free space, its impossible every inch is meticulously used like a University parking lot...even a few naughty items double parked. Upon the walls occupants range from rare Russian Orthodox icons to The Virgin of Guadalupe sharing space with Abstract artwork in brightly bold colors, Oriental paintings and a pin up poster of a Bengal Tiger from a children's magazine. Royals and commoners alike lay claim to wall space, a huge Charcoal drawing of an eye and nose...hmmm stares at A war productions poster of Rosie the riveter....she is my hero. Oh...wait one must not forget the ominous statue of Buddha beside the Bodhi tree...several Chinese dragons...and a huge martini glass with Olive my Betta fish swimming in it all crowding small shelves hooked to the wall with braces and hooks. What would you say my personality is? Make a guess....it could be terrifying...

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