I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Vacation Time Already....Trust me I am Sure

Schools been in not yet two weeks, but already I was in search of a getaway. Three hundred pages a night, even the first day! Its an outrage, there should be a law against it. In order to save my summer burnt brain, I did the responsible thing....NO I didn't read, I left Thursday night for a long weekend at the coast. Who needs money? I have a credit card. One of my favorite coastal artists Rosi Lusardi is unveiling a new exhibit "In a Different Light" at the Gallery at Marina Square in Morro Bay. That's a good enough excuse. Rosi Lusardi specializes in fused glass and paper weaving collages they are spectacular! This new exhibit is of masks...replica African masks that are done in brightly colored glasses fused with silver, gold and other sparkling foil papers...they are uniquely remarkable. She is such a small time artist that her most expensive piece was $475. Except for the exhibit the trip turned out to be more of a hassle than school. My hotel was beside the freeway and cars zoomed up and down the freeway all night, and someone had a drinking party next door. Would anyone think I was crazy if I came home early? Wait...is that a Starbucks across the street? Maybe the day is looking up...

1 comment:

Don't waste your breath said...

Lol YES Starbucks cure. haha just like I would do.

Hang in there, school will get better. It's always miserable in the start, but it (usually) gets better later in the semester. Mine is...the third week? this monday is the fourth? I think that sounds right. And I am finally starting to like it. Only because I am starting to catch onto some things because our professor doesn't teach and I needed to learn stuff from classmates who already did simular stuff or worked in construction...blah

That's so cool that you just took a random trip to see coastal artists. It says a lot about you. Haha or I could get back into my argument about it's all impressions not personality? huh fuck I am confusing myself about life now! god..

Sometimes I do that, watch a movie to cry me asleep. But I don't want to cry. I haven't in a week or so? I don't know. I feel like if I let myself cry over a movie, then I will let myself cry over everything else. And I just don't want to anymore. I want to move on to the next step. Or actually, I am trying out this new attitude of "I'm not going to let anything really get to me." Maybe bump me a little, but nothing is going to push me to the ground. I don't think it's worth falling anymore. I have this friend who says uplifting stuff to me all the time. About how I can stand on my own two feet and I need to be strong etc. And I am starting to believe him.