I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Friday, August 31, 2007


I am beyond good thought, I have lost all patience, virtue is thrown out the window along with my laptop, subscription to Netflix, and wireless internet that costs 110 dollars a month. What a huge waste! Its over...I am done...God please give me patience tomorrow....goodnight cyberspace

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its Off To School I Go

June, July, August, Where have you gone? Wasn't it just yesterday I was basking in the glory of a long, eventful and exciting summer? How young you looked, bright, glittering in golden rays of hopes and dreams. All shattered by the looming coming of September...11th. As if that wasn't enough I signed up for 4: Tuesday, Thursday classes and some bright intelligent administrator decided to change one of the classes to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday class. This late in the registration game little hope in finding a replacement. Yet I am amazed...I found a replacement. From Chicano experiences in the US to Irish History from 1800 on. I love it! Miracles never cease to amaze me. Now if I could only find the money to pay for the $300 book bill. Do you think I could pawn my laptop, Ipod and Pac Sun Sunglasses to get the money? Maybe they will take Monopoly money?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


My blood boils when I hear stereotypes. One of the most stereotyped groups in American history is the Native Americans. First of all not all Native Americans wear feathers, hunt bison, or collect scalps. They don't all live on dusty plains or ride horses. Please this is the year 2007, lets try living in the modern world. Certain groups such as the Iroquois a league of 7 different tribes had a complex system of government and social structure with laws, a written language of wampum belts and elevated matriarchs. Some Native American groups were and are lead almost entirely by women such as the Navajo. The first mistake people most often make is that we they refer to Native Americans as if they are one universal group, tribes of Native Americans are as distinct and different as The US is from Papua New Guinea. In California alone their were several hundred tribes with that many different languages.

The "Bad Indian" image of scalps, war bonnets, and kidnapping white women and children is as equally dehumanizing as the "Good Indian" image of a child of nature which is just a romanticized story much like the idea of an Uncle Tom . Simply put, Native Americans are people the same as any other group of ethnicity or race, they are not entirely blameless or savage. To stereotype a people is to deny their humanity. Each time a people or person is denied humanity, we deny and kill their culture, unique, faults, successes and purpose of life. America speaks of Native Americans like a people of the past, a picturesque quantifiable historic record. There are more Native American remains in storage in the Smithsonian than their are living Native American people. How can we explain this away? We name sports teams the Redskins, the Braves, the Indians. We act as though its all in fun and games...yet calling a Native American a Redman or Redskin is the same as throwing out a racial slur. How dare Americans continue injustices of the past by labeling and stereotyping living people. We remember the Japanese internment, we remember the Holocaust, but we choose to forget the Trail of tears.

Monday, August 27, 2007


I don't have a little brother...or I didn't until about a month ago. Surprisingly my parents aren't having another baby, they didn't adopt, they aren't foster parents. This little brother adopted me. Actually my cousin his parents are going through a divorce. He bugs me until I want to pull out my own hair. Lets refer to him as V.F. He is a little crazy, there can be no other explanation, every time I go anywhere he stows away some how one way or another. Inside the store he tells everyone he is my little brother and does the most embarrassing things. He told one clerk that I was his mother and he didn't want to be left alone again.....take a deep breath and count to ten.

I wonder what goes through the boys mind. No he isn't five he is fifteen. Yes, I am serious...he is like a human garbage disposal that talks non-stop 24/7. He is really cute...when he is asleep. He is kinda like a puppy he needs lots of loving care, attention and looking after. You must feed, water and make sure he goes to the bathroom frequently. When he needs attention he pelts me with a pillow, bites my arm, pinches me, throws a book at me.....1...2...3....I try to be a controlled person. I am 20 years old...I shouldn't be pillow fighting with a fifteen year old boy. Yet, that is what he wants...he wants attention focused one on one attention. You have to be careful because you never know what is going to come out of his mouth. He would tell a bad joke to a nun, (he has tried).

His latest stunt: 3:00pm today I get this call on my cell phone, "please come pick me up, please these Mexican boys are going to beat me up, they are waiting outside of the library...please" I'm thinking gosh, what did you do to them...but I promise to come get him. I drive all the way to the library about 23 miles. Pick him up taking him to get a slushee so we can talk. V. F. tells me this long story: "I was walking down the hallway and these 4 Mexican kids asked me @!!$%^ ( a colorful expletive) what are you staring at, so I said You fagots... "

My mind is racing....1...2...3...oh my gosh, what is wrong this boy. Didn't his parents teach him that first of all not all Hispanics are Mexicans and secondly that fagot is a bundle of small sticks not a group of angry little boys, furthermore not an appropriate way to respond to people? I was about to preach to him about his wrongs when he twists his face into a huge clown face smile saying in a voice as sweet as honey, "I made this all up to get a ride home so I didn't have to take the bus." 1....34....67....100...My face turns three shades of red, what could I do, tell him the story of the boy who cried wolf? Something tells me that it wouldn't make an impact unless the the boy was a rapping kangaroo and the wolf a gangbanger Lion.

Honestly, if anyone has any suggestions on how to keep your temper and enrich the life of an attention starved fifteen year old boy who needs a friend to talk to...offer them up. I need all the help I can get. I am not a saint and I am too old to learn new tricks...but I'm willing to give it a try.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Song of Note

I've never been a fan of popular music. You could say I live in the music archives of the 20s through the 80's. Everything from Classic, Celtic, Rock even Pop. Yet, once in a while I find an awesome song that I praise for its social relevance, power and human decency value. My current love is the Black Eyed Peas song "UNION." When I heard this song for the first time, the power of the lyrics and the beat took my breath away. If only we could live by the words :

"God made us all equal in his vision
I wish that I could make music as a religion
Then we could harmonise together in this mission
Listen, I know it's really hard to make changes
But two of us could help rearrange this curse
Utilising all the power in our voices
Together we will unite and make the right choice
And fight for education, save the next generation
Come together as one"

What a world would it be if we could come together as one. I'd love to explain my theory on religion and life, but I don't want to color the pure impact of this song on all those who listen. Maybe in a later blog. If you'd like to look up the lyrics here is a good website: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/blackeyedpeas/union.html
Contact me and I will try to send you the mp3 file.

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, August 25, 2007


What is the charm of injecting ink into your skin? Having ingrained images of teddy bears, scorpions, dice, stars, naked women, names permanently implanted on your lower back, bicep, ankles or face. I by no means intend on being offensive, but the idea is somewhat disturbing. Tattoos seem to be crowding the skin of people from 16 to 105. Is it peer pressure, is it a beauty mark, or is it a sign of power? The ability to set through hours of pain and have something to show for it? I find that tattoos do not enhance the appearance of beautiful women or handsome men. Actually to me they are ugly accessories, too many tattoos cover up the importance of the human underneath.
How much do they cost? 80 to 100 dollars an hour ! The average time for a extensive complex tatoo: several hours. What really is most abhorrent to me is that tattoo ink isn't regulated by any type of health or human safety organization, no FDA or initialized government department. Often tattoo inks contain several heavy metals, carcinogens, and nasty additives that if ever released into the blood or exposed to the right conditions can cause poisoning, cancer and hepatitis. Do people realize this when they go into a tattoo parlor, that it's like playing Russian roulette with your blood stream? Bertha, Julia, Mona and Marissa, might someday divorce, leave or move on and then you have to get that ugly monument to lost love lazered off?

Friday, August 24, 2007

Urgent Update...Resilence Hides In Strange Places

Amazingly, My Sister's laptop went back together with only one left over screw. Can you believe it? I couldn't. Do you believe in Miracles? You should now, IT WORKS! Do you need a laptop? Pick a Dell XPS M1210, they can survive anything! I had to give her congratulations, I don't know that I could have accomplished that feat. My only question is What did that screw do?

The Master of Innovation must be Stubborn Craziness! If you see flying pigs...or ice in death valley during the summer...let me now...Life never ceases to amaze me.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

When Cats attack and We take things into our own hands

For anyone out there that is a professional or has some type of fix it skills this is for you. I will admit I know absolutely nothing about fixing electronics, setting up a computer, dealing with computer errors or creating programs. I have very little technical knowledge of anything besides low skill maintenance of my Crown Vic. Therefore, when something goes wrong with my trusty Dell E1505, I call up tech support and request assistance, I don't try to unscrew the screen or pop off the keys and spray in contact cleaner. I know better. Yet some humans don't.

Example: My Antisocial Sister. Age: 18. Education: freshman in college. Aspirations in life: David her boyfriend and becoming a level 156 on WoW. Qualities of interest: way to smart for her own good, know it all confidence, ability to ignore all good advice for the workings of her own mind, and a little more than basic knowledge of computers. Problem to solve: She sets a full glass of water next to her bed on her nightstand. Later she sits her computer below said water glass. Anyone want to guess what happens next? Four hours later a returning sister finds her laptop sopping wet. All Hades breaks loose, volcanoes of red hot expletives flood from her mouth, and rags fly to try and salvage the wet laptop. Now if it were me, I would have dried it off best I could and then called my Father a electrical mechanic to ask advice and secondly called Dell to redeem free advice on the best action to take. Yet, even after my kind advice to the subject she chose to disassemble the 2000 dollar piece of equipment on her own.

Solution: Pieces went everywhere, the keyboard came off, screws lay in piles around the dissected case, plastic unsnapped, circuit boards lay scattered across the dinning room table. This was not enough however, then she put it together, then took it apart again going for broke this time, to California or bust! Not only did pieces disassemble, but those pieces were slid apart and made smaller. Still no calls were made. I'm curious doesn't this void your warranty? As of today, the computer is still laying in pieces, will it live again? God only knows, Can she put it all back together and send it in for a replacement? She is not happy, her face grimaces every time she looks at me. Where will I hide when she has extra parts in reassembling?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Comdedy of Errors or Coffee?

Ever had one of those days ....where everything seems to go wrong. I woke up late, knocked off my alarm clock, the shower drain was clogged with hair. By the time I made it to the kitchen all the coffee was gone. Without my coffee the day just couldn't get worse, that is until I slipped walking into my first house of the morning. The thought crossed my mind that I aught to go home and lay down, but I couldn't I needed to work. I knocked over three glass bottles, two canes, a decanter of wine, and a salt shaker. As if that wasn't bad enough I knocked over a brass coffee pot and pulled down a curtain. I had decided to wash my hands of the whole day when the soap slipped out of my hands and flew across the bathroom, stooping to pick up the soap I knocked over the toilet paper. I didn't believe the day could get any worse so I decided to take my chances at lunch, dumped diet down my shirt and gave up. Does anyone know are the planets aligned oddly? Are the gremlins out in full force? Honestly, though I'm thinking it had to do with the no coffee thing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Illusion of Youth

Youth is sought after obsessively by people in the United States. Every other commercial advertises a wrinkle creme, a new cosmetic procedure or some easy fix shot that will give you the lips of a puffy 19 year old. I have no idea in the least why any mature beautiful woman would go through the humiliation and degradation of using these products. The youth of adolescence brings worries, identity crisis, pain and awkwardness (which causes wrinkles...why not keep those badges of survival?). I believe that silver hair and laugh lines are a beautiful part of the aging process representing beauty and knowledge. Heck I will be beaming if I still have hair to go silver when I am 78. Aged women search out beauty to look like young women....Old men search out young women to feel young. Youth is a fleeting and vain pursuit that can only lead to heartache. From the moment we are born we are aging. Kaiser Permanente says it best: Who says it is disgraceful to dance a lambada at your granddaughter's wedding? To use the the abused cliche your only as old as you feel, How true! What is youth but the beginning of the journey to the end. Important is the journey not the benchmarks along the way.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Old Lamps, New Light

One mans trash is another man's treasure? Tis true for me. Except the trash was my grandparent's broken lamp circa 1960's. The lamp is about 3 feet tall, the base is a massive ornately ridged amber glass vase settled tightly on a brass stand. Completely gorgeous, or at least it was to my eyes. The lamp sat in the driveway covered in dirt, the wires strung out everywhere, the lamp shade sun bleached and cracked, the base separated. Can you imagine such a travesty? I immediately asked My Grandmother for the lamp. With smirks and smiles my Grandmother said, "Of course, take it, here let me carry it out to your car." I couldn't imagine why she would give away such a beautiful antique lamp or how she could let it set in the driveway. After many applications of soap water and elbow grease. I finally twisted the light bulb in and pushed in the switch. Tink, Tink, Tink....oh please come on...Tink, flash ....light. The lamp lite up the entire room. Beautiful, Magnificent, superb, awe inspiring. So Grandma what do you think of that lamp now? Sorry, its not for sale. No, I don't mind if you want to come look at it. Yes that is the original lampshade. Seriously, I washed it, dried it and did major repair. No, Grandma I have room. But honestly, I do have to Thank you, Grandma for giving it to me.

Blogging it

Sitting here in my front room typing I wonder. Do others read this blog or not? How often should I expect readers? Should I expect them? Is my blog worthy of cyberspace? Ha Ha, anything is worthy of cyberspace. Curiously though I wonder if what I write is interesting to people. Some of my posts are long and a little mushy. I am trying to work on that. Professors accuse me of occasionally being prolix and boring. When professors write comments like "too long," "you realize I have a life right?," "KISS" and "please have pity," I came to the conclusion I might have a problem. The cure: practice clear and concise writing. Location: In a blog.

If I do have readers throw comments every once in a while to boost my spirits. This is my first blog and I haven't decided whether the point of a blog is to have a readership or use it like an online diary. Either way, I enjoy writing so all is well today.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

To Wash or To Wash Not

One 1998 champagne Ford Crown Victoria covered in dust, a little bird mess, some road tar splattered intermittently on the undercarriage, 1 broken hub cap cover (broke when I kicked it angrily...ouch), and a blue CHP antenna ball, This is my car. Nothing exciting, no slamming stereo or shiny rims, just a car that gets 23 mpg. Not really fuel efficient or environment friendly, but it gets me to school, work and back home. It was my 18th birthday present from my grandparents. I check my own oil, tire pressure, and fluids. I change my own tires not happily, but I do it. Yet, there is one thing I don't do, wash it. I think it is a huge waste of water. When the time comes that we have to choose between showers, lawns, gardens and washing our cars. I won't have to make a decision. I've already decided: Showers and gardens. A car gets dirty from the moment the water dries on, continually the air carries tiny particles of extra fine dust that stick to the paint layer upon layer. I wonder if by the time a car is 10 years old if 75% of the paint is dust? I believe the hype behind washing is actually Car dealerships. The more you wash a car, the more often the layers of attached dust take away minuscule bits of paint. Therefore, you will either have to paint your car or buy another and we all know buying another car is much more fun. Don't buy into the hype save water and paint, Don't wash.

Idle Words

The world is filled with words, people use them to harm and to help. Most often I believe that those in the human population with the ability to engage and uplift the mind of our people should do so. Especially educators such as University professors. They should use their words to encourage and promote learning in their students. I understand that they must use their red ink to correct and to punish once in a while but for the most part they are there as tools for students. Ask a good one, they would agree. Yet, My Human Biology professor gave up on that prospect when he went on a obesity rant .There is no doubt that obesity is becoming a problem for many people around the world especially here in the United States. Yet, it doesn't excuse ignorance or intentional stupidity by those individuals not inflicted with it. Mr. Human Bio told a half an hour lecture about a student he saw using the elevator that was extremely obese, then continued to enlighten us with the secret knowledge that the only people who drink diet soda are fat people. Well, Mr. Human Bio I'd like to explain a few things to you, it is none of your business if an overweight student or extremely thin student chose to use the elevator. Please rethink your choice of telling your entire class about it, you have no idea the health of this student, his background or whether or not he runs 4 miles a day. Guess what it is possible. Not all overweight individuals are frequenters of McDonald's, Burger King or Frosty Freeze. Some of them have glandular problems, others come from families where muscle mass, bone structure and ethnic background play a part. I agree Mr. Human Bio that potato chips, no exercise and poor choice in beverages is a big contributor, but if it was the only one, then how come there are any exceptions. Look me in the face and tell me you've never had a soda or ice cream sundae. Maybe while your at it explain to me why your complaining about diet soda consumption, there are zero calories and sugar in a diet soda so I hardly believe it contributes to obesity. The first person I ever saw drink a diet soda was my Texan Aunt who by the way is 125 lbs. Maybe Mr. Human Bio you don't really see the whole picture. Maybe if you were empathetic and stopped treating people like lazy couch potatoes with an illness that is spurred by laziness and snack food, Everyone might sleep a little easier at night. I can't believe that as a professor of Human Biology you would pass on such stereotypical views of the human physical makeup or joke it away at the expense of a fellow student. Temper your words with your heart and brain.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Family Body

Backbone: My Grandfather has never backed down from truth in his entire life. He represents everything I want to embody in my life integrity, strength, and confidence. He came from a humble background and worked for every cent he ever made. His strength daunting holding his family together through thick and thin. In him I see direction and integrity. Arms: My Father, the arms works until he can barely stand all to help his family. His arms reach out to pick up one of us if we fall, fix a flat tire , drive 45 miles to help a friend in need, work late every night in order to make enough money to send his daughters through school, or remodel his home to make room for relatives that are down and out. My Father is a true lover of mankind, he looks beyond himself and gives it all away. Heart: My Mother, the heart of our family is compassionate, loving and selfless. She has gets up at 5 am for everyday to make us all breakfast and see us off in the morning. She transform some of her dreams and wishes from big houses and cars to teddy bears and books to raise her children. Giving up new clothes, diamonds, and shiny cars to make sure that each of us had food and shoes . Always listening and pulling you into her arms with words of encouragement. She isn't a housewife or a failure because she isn't a successful business woman, she is a Mother. She is the most successful person I know. Giving all to her family asking for nothing in return. Running a household making the budget work, washing, cooking and still she smiles. If that isn't success, then what is. If I have one aspiration in life it is to be like them if only half of what they have taught me. To have a backbone of integrity, arms that reach to help all those that need it, and a heart that is open .


Find out what it means to me....Respect means looking into the eyes of another person and seeing more than the clothes they are wearing, their net worth, skin color, weight, but looking deep for qualities that are inherently good. It means realizing that every living thing deserves respect, because it lives. It means recognizing that we are only human due to the humanness of others, ubuntu. In a world filled with rudeness, intolerance, hatred and disgust there are three people that I respect because they recognize humanity. My Mother, My Father and My Grandfather. They aren't rich, they don't have their names written in the newspaper or own expensive properties they work their hands to the bone. My Grandfather is the backbone of the family body, My Father the arms and My Mother the heart.

Juiced Up Life

I admit it, I am a lover of fresh carrot juice. At one time I would spend 4 dollars every chance I got for a glass from a juice bar. I know the money should have been spent in many better ways, but I am weak. One look at a glass of neon orange juice and my mouth waters. One more confession, I have family that holds membership in a wholesale bulk store, Costco. Forgive me, as I confess I am weak. I enjoy walking down those huge aisles and looking at pounds and pounds of usless foods and products. Products ranging from Frozen lasagna to Pencil lead from crates of apples to boxes of zucchini. 29 different varieties of snack food, 14 brands of olives, 9 different kinds of toothpicks, 25 different types of chocolate bar, 10 colors of roses, clothes, bicycles, appliances, mountainous cookies, pies and cakes. You can spend the whole day looking for a box of Kleenex, but in the process find every soda known to man or woman. Yet, the Costco marketing team is full of evil intelligence. Along the entrance of the store they pack from floor to ceiling the newest and greatest appliances. One fateful day, right there under the glow of fluorescent light to my left was a Jack Lalanne Power juicer for 80 dollars.....have you had one of their moments when lightening strikes. I realized I could make fresh carrot juice for pennies rather buying it. I had no idea what doors a juicer opened. I have juiced nearly every fruit and vegetable sold in the grocery store. THEY ARE DELICIOUS. I spent the first month I owned my juicer on a liquid vegetarian diet, Juice morning, afternoon and evening. My diet was nearly 85% liquid. I've juiced watermelons, honeydews, apples, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, oranges, peaches, nectarines, apricots, mangoes, papaya, carrots, tomatoes, celery, lettuce, peppers, cucumbers....much more. I think I am addicted. I love my juicer. I love juice. That is until I nearly passed out, due to anemia and protein deficiency. Well, that might be a little bit of an overstatement, but juice isn't and normally shouldn't be ones whole diet. Juice is a good way to get precious vitamens, minerals, and antioxidants. Listen to the wisdom of your Mother: Everything in moderation. No matter how good something is: Juice or chocolate. You learn fast that a little is good, a lot is great, but too much is always too much.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Dad's Birthday

Man I love my family, No joke. I wish just once in this crazy world we could have a birthday party where all the people got along, felt well and enjoyed each others company. It has yet to happen. Today is My Father's Birthday party. Imagine if you will, a small house packed to the gills with close to 20 people all related from both sides of the family. And there is this annoying cousin....yes every family has a couple. Lets just refer to him as V. F. well, V.F. just does everything possible to embarrass his entire family including eating his cake with his fingers and blowing his milk out the nose. Then there is that Grandma X with the lime green turtleneck who believes that she must list all your short comings, failures and rejections. Grandma X must also tell the world that since your 20 and unmarried that you might as well put away the spurs and lipstick and start wearing the housecoat and buying cats. Excuse me....please, I am only 20. Of course there has to be a big jolly Uncle Mustache whose laugh bursts your eardrums. But he is OK, because at least he is happy. Throw in an antisocial sister who chats with her boyfriend all day on her cell phone and laptop and plays WOW all night long. Shake in a quiet mumbler who just nods and broods in the corner. Add on a Mother who is busy buzzing around like crazy filling glasses, washing dishes and serving food. Enter Stage right the other Grandparents who look like they don't belong and smile and wave friendly while thinking how did I get here. Finally spot light Mr. Birthday himself and he spends his party outside upset at the his family for parking their cars wrong. Mix well, sprinkle with conflict, agruements, gossip and a little normal nuttiness. Welcome to the Family.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Has anyone noticed the variety of dark chocolate bars, pieces, flavors that have recently flooded the market? I am not complaining every since I was a small child, dark chocolate was my first choice if I had one. I remember those mixed bags my parents use to get a Halloween that had four different flavors of mini Hershey chocolate bars crispy, mr. goodbar, milk chocolate, and special dark chocolate. I would dump out the bag on the kitchen table and pick out all the special dark chocolate and hide it in a bedroom drawer. Yes, I admit it, as a child I horded dark chocolate. Yet now as adults we have many more dark chocolate choices like dark chocolate with marzipan, dark chocolate with cranberries, raspberries, almonds, or macadamia nuts, dark chocolate m&ms, dark chocolate with vanilla creme brulee, dark chocolate with south sea coconut, 70% dark cocoa, 90% cocoa, or semi sweet. So many choices so few free calories to indulge. Maybe if I stopped eating lunch....thought taken surveyed and will think on it. This is all fine and dandy, I love chocolate, but I ask one question? Why now? If you ask me it is a marketing, some freelance scientist was quoted saying that dark chocolate contains more antioxidants that are good for human beings hearts, lungs, skin and might help fight cancer so the chocolate producers jumped on the band wagon. I think they even make a milk chocolate bar with added antioxidants now. Would you drink oil, jet fuel, propyl gallate, waxes, greases and hydraulic fluid if you knew they had added antioxidants? I am just curious should someone explain to the sheeple that pomegranates, tomatoes, green tea, carrots, oranges, strawberry, blackberries, blueberries, oregano and soy beans?And guess what they are sweet and don't cause weight gain.


I love a good conversation whether it be chatting online or speaking face to face. Each has its advantages. Chatting online you get to sit in your PJs, listening to a podcast or eat ice cream, and the person your chatting to has no idea and can't be offended or feel like you aren't listening. Yet, speaking person to person allows one to read more than just speech. When you sit across from somebody and actually look at that persons face, you can read their feelings and opinion from their body language, you can see the condition of their soul in many ways. That is something one can never do over the computer. Yet, you normally have to get dressed and be respectful in person and you can't use cute little things like lol, imao and many more. Although I hate them so that would be on the plus side. I've often struck up conversation with random people just to try and enrich my own life. Try it, you won't believe the results. Start with a gentle comment such as complimenting on a clothes item or the weather, then continue with a simple words about what your doing. Test the waters, and if the person is willing to talk go for it with both feet. I find that life is a lonely place when you spend it in your own mind with no input from others. Just like this blog, Do others actually read it? If so give me a comment, I'd love to hear any feedback be it good or be it bad, I am just starting out and I am not all that full of bright ideas. I love to give out my own advice, but I realized when speaking to a close friend that is a psychologist the other day that my advice giving might actually be annoying. I know, I know that probably sounds like an arrogant comment to make where is my superego when I need it! But honestly I really thought I was giving my opinion and advice when it was needed. I have decided to tone it down for a bit and see if those adviseees of mine will ask for my advice. Maybe its not helpful and more of an annoying compulsion for me... So I decided to start a blog so I could voice my opinions and advice and odd bits of interest with cyberspace where it could be enjoyed, despised or left alone with out alienating friends or family. Maybe I am a philanthropist or just an arrogant bum who enjoys hearing my own voice. This deserves more personal thought.


What is Caviar? Precisely: Sturgeon Roe. Imprecisely: Fish eggs. Connoisseurs of caviar say that the finest comes from the sturgeon of the Caspian Sea. A sturgeon is a fairly ugly fish that come in nearly 23 different varieties. Not all Sturgeon produce roe that is harvested for the caviar. Surgeon roe comes in a variety of colors and each color has a different flavor and prized for its particular shade. Caviar is priced according to ounce ranging according to quality, location and type. Some types of caviar such as Iranian beluga is $250.00 an ounce and $4,000 for a pound. Caviar is extremely nutritious for its price, containing over 47 vitamins and 74 calories per ounce. Do to the extremely expensive nature of caviar (like truffles and saffron) it is the food for the rich and famous. I suppose if you are rich and famous you don't have to worry about the impact of such food on the Sturgeon population or the environment. The supply of Sturgeon has dropped dramatically, therefore with more pollution and poaching driven by lucrative caviar collection profits, this will only increase. All of this information is fine and dandy yet, I'm curious do people taste caviar? It tastes salty and fishy and not the least bit palatable. Being a delicacy, they say its been treasured for many years. My opinion: That those of our population who dine on caviar are more like animals than most of us. I believe they are primitive throwbacks that might just be the missing link. Evolutionists from around the country look no further, proof for evolution isn't in the background of humans, but in their gourmet diets of today: Escargot, Caviar, or Civet coffee(Kopi Luwak). They have the pleasure seeking nature of chimps and they eat an appetizer that costs more than most people around the world make every week. I wonder if every person around the world donated the money they were going to spend on caviar to a world hunger fund, if we could make the world a better place. Think on it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sense and Sensitivity

To start the blog or not to start that is the question. I have never written a blog before, I am unsure how I should start. I was just thinking as I was trying to watch a nature show on tv and I am bombarded with tons of commercials of celebrities. I ask who cares about Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lowhan...or whatever her name is....or any of the rest. They are normal people just like us who have fame and fortune. Tell me what makes them so great that they can influence what people wear, eat, talk about, donate money to? Celebrities seem to me to be some of the stupidest people on earth...don't even get me started on professional athletes. I mean who doesn't enjoy a good game...but is it worth millions of dollars an athletes? NO WAY, teachers, janitors, food service workers aren't they worth more than Gwen stefani and Madonna? Answer this: Is Britney Speares shaving her head more important than genocide, cruelty, starvation and death? I sure hope not, I don't want to live in a world where ipods and iphones mean more than the life of a child.