I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Dad's Birthday

Man I love my family, No joke. I wish just once in this crazy world we could have a birthday party where all the people got along, felt well and enjoyed each others company. It has yet to happen. Today is My Father's Birthday party. Imagine if you will, a small house packed to the gills with close to 20 people all related from both sides of the family. And there is this annoying cousin....yes every family has a couple. Lets just refer to him as V. F. well, V.F. just does everything possible to embarrass his entire family including eating his cake with his fingers and blowing his milk out the nose. Then there is that Grandma X with the lime green turtleneck who believes that she must list all your short comings, failures and rejections. Grandma X must also tell the world that since your 20 and unmarried that you might as well put away the spurs and lipstick and start wearing the housecoat and buying cats. Excuse me....please, I am only 20. Of course there has to be a big jolly Uncle Mustache whose laugh bursts your eardrums. But he is OK, because at least he is happy. Throw in an antisocial sister who chats with her boyfriend all day on her cell phone and laptop and plays WOW all night long. Shake in a quiet mumbler who just nods and broods in the corner. Add on a Mother who is busy buzzing around like crazy filling glasses, washing dishes and serving food. Enter Stage right the other Grandparents who look like they don't belong and smile and wave friendly while thinking how did I get here. Finally spot light Mr. Birthday himself and he spends his party outside upset at the his family for parking their cars wrong. Mix well, sprinkle with conflict, agruements, gossip and a little normal nuttiness. Welcome to the Family.


roentare said...

very interesting read. I like the style - simple and direct.

Thank you for sharing your life stories



TheLovelyDonna said...

I love they way you write and this entry is extremly funny. I look forward to reading more =]

Anonymous said...

well it truely does soudn like you have a typical family, we gotta love that sister that plays WoW, spell it right sis, WoW all day long :P