I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

When Cats attack and We take things into our own hands

For anyone out there that is a professional or has some type of fix it skills this is for you. I will admit I know absolutely nothing about fixing electronics, setting up a computer, dealing with computer errors or creating programs. I have very little technical knowledge of anything besides low skill maintenance of my Crown Vic. Therefore, when something goes wrong with my trusty Dell E1505, I call up tech support and request assistance, I don't try to unscrew the screen or pop off the keys and spray in contact cleaner. I know better. Yet some humans don't.

Example: My Antisocial Sister. Age: 18. Education: freshman in college. Aspirations in life: David her boyfriend and becoming a level 156 on WoW. Qualities of interest: way to smart for her own good, know it all confidence, ability to ignore all good advice for the workings of her own mind, and a little more than basic knowledge of computers. Problem to solve: She sets a full glass of water next to her bed on her nightstand. Later she sits her computer below said water glass. Anyone want to guess what happens next? Four hours later a returning sister finds her laptop sopping wet. All Hades breaks loose, volcanoes of red hot expletives flood from her mouth, and rags fly to try and salvage the wet laptop. Now if it were me, I would have dried it off best I could and then called my Father a electrical mechanic to ask advice and secondly called Dell to redeem free advice on the best action to take. Yet, even after my kind advice to the subject she chose to disassemble the 2000 dollar piece of equipment on her own.

Solution: Pieces went everywhere, the keyboard came off, screws lay in piles around the dissected case, plastic unsnapped, circuit boards lay scattered across the dinning room table. This was not enough however, then she put it together, then took it apart again going for broke this time, to California or bust! Not only did pieces disassemble, but those pieces were slid apart and made smaller. Still no calls were made. I'm curious doesn't this void your warranty? As of today, the computer is still laying in pieces, will it live again? God only knows, Can she put it all back together and send it in for a replacement? She is not happy, her face grimaces every time she looks at me. Where will I hide when she has extra parts in reassembling?


DragonRaid said...

almost sounds like my sister. she'll ignore everything you say to her: advice, favors, etc. then when something doesn't go right, she takes it upon herself to make it right. after failing to do so all hell breaks loose. for example, my computer freezes up sometimes but goes back to normal after a while. it froze up on her while she was surfing the web. she proceeds in first being frustrated, aggrivated, then irritated. she slams the mouse repeatedly on the desk and even smacks the screen with her hand once or twice. after that failed, she has a little tantram in her room with the door locked. i wouldn't dare go in, i don't need any injuries hehe. wow that was a little long but just wanted to share my experience with you. thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

sound like some peoples i know. lol. if something goes wrong with mine computer, i phone my brother, who is a computer expert.