I have a higher and grander expectation of life than average and everyday, but I am a realist and understand that life is 90% mediocre and 10% amazing; I can lie to myself, living as ignorance is bliss, but Instead, I choose to enjoy every bit grand or low.
-- Softhearted
A Single, MSW Student, & Self-confessed hardhead (1986 - ?)

Saturday, September 8, 2007


In a world where chaos, selfishness, desire, pain, greed....the many human weaknesses flourish with ravenous speed. I look hard in the hope of discovering places of refuge. Refuges where peace can be sought if only in a second. At times they are far and in between. Sometimes the only peace I can find is in the confines of a brief glance. Life is a mumble jumble mess of to and fro movement, here and there constant noise. One can loose themselves and all they believe in an instant. I look to family, friends, neighbors, people on the street, writers of blogs.....anywhere. An Oasis in the desert of the hustle and bustle, where the thinking mind delves into the true self. Self exploration, Compassion, Empathy, Beauty, Creativity.....spots of color among all the gray. Rosebushes are a refuge from the rows, blocks, yards of square well watered and manicured plots of lawn. Almost like coffins waiting to be buried in plots of cement, with mourners all alike standing in mournful attendance....I can't stand tract housing. Tract housing eats up farm land, animal habitats, peace and quiet, spoils the water, clogs the streets....and for what...to destroy just one more refuge. Today they broke ground with gleaming golden shovels on one more tract of a 100 or so houses. People need houses, but why empty out houses and move to little burbs outside of town? To waste more gasoline, leave ghost neighborhoods, string out Albertsons and Starbucks into the prairies...why not slow down...plant roses and fix what makes the city an impossible place to live. How about creating communities, neighborhoods and parks where people don't have to wear bullet proof vests or carry pepper spray? When will the world see that humanity needs refuges of the mind, the body and soul.

1 comment:

Don't waste your breath said...

very deep of you...although I must say ,starbucks are needed at every corner. I am an addict...I think in a way we do need to slow down, but at the same time, I need to speed up, but only the right things. I need to speed up on my list of things to do before I die, so i dont regret missing any of them when I do..

and hey, i can yell here? lol thanks, means a lot :) today is a better day though, so no worries, ill yell when Im feeling more pessimistic later, huh? haha!